Breakfast at this hotel was much better than the dinner we got. It was a good thing too, we wouldn't have known what to do otherwise because the restaurants run on a different time that what we're used to.

We ate, got dressed, and then went out to retrace the tour we took the night before when it had been drizzling and dark. We didn't do too bad at all. We managed to get around where we wanted to go, and see everything we wanted to see and then some. We had wanted to make sure we saw the things we'd been given information on the night before. Ahmee also wanted to go check out the St. Trophimes Cloitre so we got to go into this church (dodging the large group of homeless people who had taken root on the front steps) and into the courtyard of the church. It wasn't overly decorated, it was simple, clean, and that's what we liked about it. The facade of the church was it's prettiest part.

As we walked around looking at these different things that we'd already seen before I caught sight of a stand of socks. I don't know how many people know this or not, but I've developed a love for socks that's just about as strong as my love for chocolate. Every year for Christmas recently I've asked for socks. I must say that it's not just normal socks that suit me. I don't like the plain Jane white socks. I like toe-socks, colorful socks, knee high socks, socks with patterns, thick socks, thin socks, and socks that have funny messages on them. Why do I like socks so much? Well, a short version would be because Dumbledore (Harry Potter) sees himself holding a nice pair of socks when he looks into the mirror of Erased (sp?), but I know that I've also grown a fondness for feet (courtesy of my mothers painting of feet that she hung up in our bathroom when I was a kid). Currently I have several plain Jane socks, those aren't too worn out (other than my two pairs of white socks-those go with anything where as black socks only go with one thing-black shoes), but my toe socks that don't match, those are worn out. My big toe on both of those socks is just about gone, and my heels have holes in them. Kinda sad really. When I saw this shop that had tons of socks for sale, I looked down at my worn out toe socks (which I was indeed wearing) and said, "I'm sorry baby's but I think you've had enough." Not really, I just asked Ahmee if I could get some other toe socks. I got pink and grey toe socks with orange cat grippers and silver stars. I love em.

After the sock episode we went to the Museum where we went into the rabbits hole (Alice and Wonderland). Some of the rooms were interesting to say the least. There was one room that was dedicated to Merci, or thankyou. All it had in there was a knee-high stack of papers that had a printed merci in the middle of it, black panels, and a tv screen that had a woman on it doing orgasmic merci's. Not all the time, just every 15 minutes. How do I know? Ahmee took a while and we ended up waiting on her. There were a few rooms that appeared to me to have no specific message at all, and rooms where it was quite clear what he (the designer) wanted to push. An example, there was a room for the female and a room for the male, there was a room for Picasso, there was a room for oppressed souls (love the picture of the one woman who actually smiled for the camera), there were some rooms that were dedicated to x-ray type photographs, and there was a room dedicated to fashion design. Obviously these weren't all of the rooms. There were over 30 rooms in that museum and we looked through them all (except for the ones that were just dedicated to sound effects) and in each room there was some kind of fashion piece. Some rooms had dresses, some had jewelry, some had shoes, etc.. I didn't like any of the jewelry. The dresses were fun to look at (I certainly found more I'd wear than Ahmee did), but some were just far too filled up. Ahmee has said that many designers view their clothes as pieces of art for your body. My view is that the clothes should be visually satisfying to the wearer and at the same time flatter the wearers body. Got a lot of design ideas by going through that museum (I loved the room dedicated to fashion sketches).

After the museum we went and ate lunch at a sea-food restaurant (the sea is only 30 minutes away), walked back to the amphitheater, window shopped for a short bit (and did buy a few things so I suppose it's shopping), and then we went back up to the hotel where I worked on schoolwork until dinnertime. For dinner we went out to a restaurant that was just next to the hotel but had ten times better food. This restaurant had a deceiving exterior, it was painted green and looked like the average old building, however if you looked through the second story windows you could see the glass panels that would make up a sky scraper. We'd been told by Janice that the people weren't allowed to change the exterior of the buildings, but they could do anything they wanted with the interior. Basically they had to keep up the old image because Arles is a huge tourist destination and the old is what they come to see, but the people who live there who want a change can do so by simply keeping the framework or facade of the building. Only the people who were really looking would've seen the modern-like structure hidden behind the old. It was brilliant.
We ate, drank (yes I did have a bit of wine as in less than a glass), and talked (me a bit loudly-I got fussed at) in this restaurant. After dinner we were all really tired so we went back to our room where we all got ready for bed (meaning I finished what I was doing, sent it off, emailed people, and then crawled into my overly comfy bed).
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