The next morning I woke up to Ahmee nudging my shoulder and saying, "Rachel it's time to get up!" I peeked out from under my pillow and sure enough, the sun was shining through my window. As usual, I spent five minutes snuggling my pillow before I got up to go eat breakfast in the dining room.
The dining room table was all set up. What amazed me was the way the colors matched the room, how everything looked so well planned out. There were even homemade jams in containers right in front of us. Something else that I suspected was homemade was the honey. Later he (b&b runner) told us that the honey was made from the many bees of Giverny. He also told us (at Ahmee's question of who was the artist in the house) that he and his fiancé were both pretty artistic. He composed music and she played music, and he decorated the house and gardened. It sounded like such a wonderful time. We ate these jams and jellies on the bread that was delivered earlier that morning by the breadman. We also drank more tea and a wonderful fruit juice, no clue what type it was. Since Ahmee and Poppy said they wanted to get on the road I got up, showered quickly, got ready, and packed my things up. I then took the laptop back out to the living room to type with the sunshine on my back and with the smell of the fire burning in the fireplace. I put it down when I heard "here comes the sun" playing through the house from the kitchen. I walked in close to the kitchen as Ahmee and Poppy were talking to the b&b keeper and his fiancé. They slowly started heading back towards the entryway. Once they made it to the dining room I turned and saw the computer in it's cubby in the corner. With "here comes the sun" playing in the background, I found out that we had to leave Giverny and that I needed to put the computer away.

Having a place that's got a garden, is full of light, has rooms that are incredibly pretty and cozy, has tons of books to choose from, has the computer, has music (just so happened to play my favorite the entire time), basically is a place that's full of wonderful moments of complete happiness and warmth is totally exhilarating and relaxing at the same time.
I didn't want to leave Giverny. I was dragging my feet down the front pathway and to the car. I don't think that Ahmee and Poppy truly wanted to leave either.
09/20/08 Leaving Giverny to shoot through France

Leaving Giverny was like tearing oneself out of a really comfortable bed. It hurts. Whenever you get sucked into a bed like that you must slowly ease yourself up. If you rip yourself out it's like ripping tape or wax off of yourself. It's dangerous because you could easily rip your own skin off in the process. This is why I like taking my time in getting out of the bed. You've got to slowly give your brain a moment to wake up properly and then let it get accustomed to the idea of being up and out of that bed. Then it doesn't hurt as much when you slide out.
I didn't want to leave Giverny and when Ahmee and Poppy told me it was time to go they'd moved most of the luggage to the front door and were beginning to say their goodbyes to the b&b keepers. I had been sitting in the sun, typing away as I tried to blog. I had thought I would have time to blog and admire the b&b some more, but I didn't. My brain didn't get the time to get accustomed to the idea of moving on yet, and I didn't like it one bit.
So far on this trip there's only been one time that I've felt sad leaving, and that was in Glasgow. I cried at night when I left Iain. I did NOT want to leave. This time I didn't cry, it didn't hurt as much this time, but I most certainly was sad.
On the road my stomach betrayed me again. I couldn't type my blogs or read anything. It was very frustrating because I didn't want to be able to sit and daydream about the wonder of Giverny, the place we'd just left. Course, this was exactly what happened. We only stopped to eat, grab things in a grocery store, and to use the bathroom. I spent the rest of the day in the car looking out the windows, talking, or trying to nap. Our goal was to get as close to Belgium as possible because we needed to get to Amsterdam so that we would be certain we'd make our reservations in Germany.
The fields all flew by and so did the time and soon we were searching for a hotel. I spotted the Hotel Ibis and we went in to set up camp there.
We ate out, typed on the computer in the lobby, and then went to bed.
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