La parke nosotros es en ahora tiene una piscina. La piscina es no frio porque es en la edificio. Quiero nadar en las piscina una dia. Me gusta mucho nadar in la piscina. Mi sujeta de bano es negro con un cinteron tiene muchas colores. Es mi favorite sujeta de bano.
Unlike most days, I slept in quite well. Another unusual thing to happen while I'm asleep is I was sweating. Since there have been times in the past where I've absolutely needed an extra cover and as many layers as I could. This time I did not need it, the furnace kicked on and made me very warm. Actually, a lot of things were different about my sleep: I didn't wake up in the middle of the night, my pillows were set just right (even at home it's rare for my pillows to be just right), I dreamt many things and remembered the dreams, and I woke up with my forehead against the wall (was dreaming about snuggling with Iain and I think the cool of the wall woke me up).
Something that was not unusual was how long it took for us to get moving and eat breakfast. After breakfast I started moving a lot. I went, got dressed, got ready (these are two different things-one you cover the body the other you cleanse and deodorize), and typed a blog for the day previous. I also looked at the three questions I didn't know the answers to on my study guide and ended up filling in two of the answers.
Now I really must be short. We went out to town to look in the information center. The information center was closed so we looked in two little shops that were down the street from it and Ahmee got a black and purple striped shirt and a purple sweater. We drove through that town three times without finding a thing. We then got in the car and went to the next town over to find the place that supposedly had internet: The Play Arena. Before we went back into town we grabbed a few more necessities from Aldies (salad, dishwashing detergent, orange juice, garlic, and lotion). We also decided to ask two people where the Play Arena was, or at least, where I could find an internet cafe. The first person I asked was a girl who was maybe a couple years older than me. Since most people we walk up to don't know English, I wasn't surprised to find that this girl was one of them. It was alright though, because we had an interesting conversation with the next guy we asked. We asked the cashier and he told us that he spoke English. We asked him where we could find a internet cafe. He got excited and said, "Oh!! C___!" I was confused and said, yeah an internet cafe. He started walking through the store. I quickly followed him and laughed when he picked up coffee. I said, "Oh no, not coffee. We'd like an internet cafe. Do you know where the Play Arena is or where we could get an internet connection?" While I said this every time I said internet I typed with my fingers. He laughed and understood what I meant, but he didn't know where the Play Arena was and he didn't know where I could find an internet connection. After this unsuccessful attempt we decided we'd drive through and go to the 4 star hotel to see if we could use their internet. As we were going through we saw a sign for the Play Arena. We went and checked it out, deciding that since there were two computers we should give it a try later. The Play Arena was a place to play on the computer, on the pool table, and with various machines (mostly gambling).
We went and ate out at the Postisimo. Ahmee and I ate the stereotypical German meal: sausages, sourkraut, and mashed potatoes. Poppy ate a ham that was as thick as a steak, a potato dumpling, and lima beans in a special sauce. All of them were delicious! We think that the place was even more famous for their deserts. Poppy and I grabbed a bit of the cake, Kuchen, and sat there eating the deliciousness away. Finally we were finished and we headed to the Play Arena.
After Ahmee was done with typing to people I got on to check my emails. This is the part of the day where I started getting severely stressed out. I took one look at my inbox and took in a breath of smoke (the inside of the arena was filled with smoke from various people walking around with pipes and cigarettes hanging out of their mouths). I had seen from Ahmee's email that my Momma was significantly worried. She'd seen how Mr. Owens and Mr. Johnson were the only two teachers who sent me emails and that Mr. Owens was the only one who kept in touch with me often. What really bothered her was that she was afraid I was getting sick from getting so stressed out (this is not an irrational fear, I've done that before). She told Ahmee and Poppy in her email all of the different directions that I get pulled in each day: I want to do well with school and so want to work on schoolwork, I want to see Europe with them and so I sight-see, I want to send emails to the people I care about, and the computer isn't always my friend and I really need it to be. She told them it might be a good idea that when we get to our reserved area that I take a night to just do schoolwork and they just go out to eat. Ahmee's reaction to this email was: you need to console your Momma and tell her to stop growing warts. Momma wrote to me multiple times. In her last email she said she was truly worried about me, whether I was getting overly stressed and was sick, how my grades were because she hadn't seen the progress reports my teachers had sent (they had sent me overall progress reports and Mr. Owens does send me reports of how I do on tests, and Mr. Johnson does tell me whether or not my work is good and if it isn't he tells me what to do differently), and if things were so tense we were about to argue on this side. So far in those two classes I'm fine. I have no clue about Spanish or Mr. Dattillo's class though since I haven't heard from them but once on this trip. Momma was worried that I was getting too far behind and I have to write this: I was behind on my blogs but I'm caught up now; I am behind in US Government but I'm just about caught up with that; and in two different classes I just need to write a review over a newspaper article and one political cartoon. It isn't that bad, I just expected for there to be wireless internet in a place we'd reserved to stay in for a week, and I became slightly worried/stressed when I discovered it wouldn't have it. As for it being so tense between us we're about to fight: we're fine. Everyone gets grumpy every now and then, if I type things about Ahmee and Poppy that aren't so good in here those are the things I got disgruntled about, and it's not like I don't end up addressing what bothers me (I either end up letting them know what's wrong, or I talk myself around being angry by saying there's no point in being grumpy, it'll do no good). If I do write bad things about Ahmee and Poppy in here I'm letting these things out, I'm organizing my thoughts, and I'm calming myself down. I hope that this blog isn't filled with all sorts of negatives. I've been trying my best to keep both the positives and the negatives in this. I thought that there were more positives than negatives, because believe me, I'm not angry or stressed out all the time and neither is Ahmee or Poppy. Our tense moments-those involving the computer and directions occasionally-get written down. Little sidenotes of my own from various instances get written down here, just things I noticed or ended up thinking.
Ex: thought it was funny that Ahmee didn't trust my directions to be right when we were looking for the shopping district of Paris. Course I often have done the same thing to her, asked twice, "Are you sure we go that way?" Never asked another person though, give it a try and if it's wrong backtrack and ask is normally what happens. I found it interesting that Ahmee would ask another person which direction to go whenever I'd just given the directions.
Our intensely enjoyable moments I also record though. I hope that my Momma realizes that there are far more enjoyable moments than stressful or irritating moments. We're going to end up having disagreements though, and we are going to have moments where we don't see eye to eye. We work around that. So far we haven't had any fights-my definition anyway (remembering London).
Something that really upset me in my Momma's email though was that I'd made several truly stupid mistakes on my blogs: spelling Versailles, Montmartre, and also saying that the U.S.'s president serves a 2 year term (it's 4 years). For the last one I can say I was typing when I was tired. For the other two, pure spelling errors that are unacceptable.
I just about cried when I saw I'd done that. Such stupid mistakes! I couldn't even access my blog from there and so I was stuck knowing the things I screwed up on, and I was unable to change them.
I emailed Iain first (Momma'd written so many I had to sort through them). Telling him that I missed him, and telling him of the internet situation. I then emailed Momma, don't even remember exactly what I said, I just know I didn't address all of her worries. It's not that I was being selfish, I just knew I was running out of time. After I emailed Momma I got off the computer and we headed out. At this point I was very stressed out, after having my situation with the computer pointed out and having my momma worry about all of those things I began to worry whether or not this blog was accurate-whether I had tons of bad in here when there was so much good. Let me say this: when I can't do anything about my situation I work hard to get past my stress to have a good time here. I am not sick anymore. I've been taking good care of myself and Ahmee and Poppy have been insuring that I do the best I can to stay healthy/become healthy and get what I need. We just don't always see eye to eye with computer issues.
We got back in the car, drove to the 4 star hotel, stole their internet (sat in the driveway and used it for a while-no one came out and we got away with it), drove back to the town we were staying close by, saw an internet cafe, sent postcards, went to the grocery store, went back to the cabin, talked, ate, watched the fire, cut out newspapers, worked on the blog, reread a study guide for the umptinth time, and got ready for bed.
Have to say that when Ahmee and I talked we were talking about much of the stuff I mentioned above. We basically made sure we were on the same page. I also had to talk to Ahmee to make sure she understood that Momma's email was not a reprimand (Ahmee thought this), she was just informing them of the different things I had to focus on and work with, and that she was just giving suggestions (the fact that she was worried was clear to Ahmee).
I now am writing this just before I go take a shower and the hop into bed. The bed is calling me and after this day of major downs and major ups I'm pretty well exhausted. I've spent much of this blog addressing the worries my Momma has and that I face. I never got to talk about the winding down process after the stress, how the dinner was incredible, how the fire didn't work because we didn't have kindling, and various other things.
Absolutely have to go now, before I curl up on this couch and cuddle with the computer. Yeah, Ahmee would be convinced then that I'm addicted to the computer (said that to me during our talk outside-she said that for a bit there she'd thought that), lol.

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