I'm going to skip the daily routine and simply say that while on the road I worked when we were on the highway, this was a very short period of time. After we got off the highway we were on windy roads that were on the hillsides. I would say that we could see for miles around the beauty of the countryside, but that wouldn't be entirely true. The air was hazy as if smoke/smog condensed it. We had no idea what it was that made the air so thick, but it most certainly wasn't rainy or cloudy. The sun was out full-blast and the temperature was the highest we'd seen in that car: 22 degrees Celsius (a little over 70 F).

What we could see of the surrounding countryside was wonderful though. I'm not sure if Poppy liked driving on these roads to much or not, he kept telling us to take everything in for him, but then he also enjoyed the windy curvy roads (he missed Ireland). From the mountainside we could see all of the farms and the houses that "dot the hills". What I knew Tuscany was famous for was grapes and olive trees. I didn't see very many of either of these crops. While we were on the road we saw mostly tilled fields (was astounding how these tilled fields were on such a steep slope-we wondered if there were mudslides). The clumps of dirt in these tilled fields were about the size of my head! These fields were not very finely tilled. I mostly enjoyed the moments where I got to look and see little cubbyholes in the trees that would occasionally line the road. I love little hide outs in the forest. I always have.

We stopped for lunch in one of the hill-towns and grabbed ourselves a bite to eat in a local restaurant/pizzeria. I had anchovies and pepperoni on my pizza (Poppy shared with me). It was killer. I loved it. Course, I also loved the pasta Ahmee got. I think that that restaurant was just good. Occasionally you'll run into places like that.

After we ate we got back on the road, where we continued to look for a hotel (we'd been doing this the entire time we were on this windy, snake-like road). We reached the edge of Florence and stopped in a small town to get out of the car and search for the hotel that belonged with the sign. We never found it. After aggravating ourselves we went down into Florence, chasing after hotel signs as we went (or at least what we thought were hotel signs). I thought that the bed sign meant "Hotels this way". After getting far away from our original road Ahmee informed me that that was a hospital sign and informed Poppy and me that she was tired of doing this, that she'd pointed out a hotel and that Poppy had just kept driving. Ahmee and Poppy had some words thrown between them. Ahmee was aggravated, Poppy was grumpy and ready to go home (he asked if there was an airport in Florence), and I simply kept silent. We went back to the hotel Ahmee'd seen, got ourselves a room, and then moved in.
I found it necessary to work and I decided I'd work while Ahmee and Poppy had some alone time. When I came out of the restroom though they'd already solved it. We hooked up the internet, where I got on email while Ahmee and Poppy went out for a walk. I know I said I needed to work, I did send work I completed and then I decided I hadn't written to other people in a long time and that I needed to contact them. The connection was very slow and took forever to load things. When Ahmee and Poppy got back I was still not done, and once I'd sent off an email to Sara we went downstairs to the restaurant to eat dinner.
Our waiter in the restaurant was kinda strange looking. He looked kinda like a tall, chubbier, bald umpa loompa (no idea how to spell that). He was tan, he was shorter, he had orangish blondish brownish hair that was kinda wild and long (except for the bald spot on top), and he had a long nose and dark, thick, brown eyebrows. This man asked if I wanted wine for dinner. Instead of saying no immediately I turned to Ahmee and asked if I could. She said I could have a little. I ended up with maybe an inch in the glass. The wine was very tasty. It didn't taste like Koolaid (like the one in Switzerland-never wrote about that), and it wasn't too young (these tend to have really terrible after tastes). Other than the wine, we enjoyed our meal and each others company. We then all went upstairs to type of the computer some more and to map out what our plan of action was going to be for the next day.
That night I fell asleep very, very fast. My bed was so comfortable and my pillow was just right.
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