Es no una ganga en Switzerland. Las personas de Switzerland se gustan mucho dinero y muchas places quiere mucho dinero por pequeno items. Necesitamos viajar en places con gangas.
The next morning I woke up completely refreshed. I wasn't tired in the slightest and I was extremely happy. Apparently the feeling was mutual between all of us because Poppy acted goofy and threw his pillow at me. It missed me and as Ahmee passed to go to the bathroom she picked it up and threw it back at him (and hitting him square in the face) saying, "Be a better example!" This made me laugh, and they'd only been awake for about 15 minutes. After Ahmee went into the bathroom Poppy threw it at me again, missing me again. I threw it back at him, but he caught it. When Ahmee came out again she bent over right in front of my face to pick our her clothes from her suitcase. Poppy made pinching motions at me, urging me to pinch Ahmee's butt. This only made me laugh loudly for ages. Ahmee thought I was laughing at her, but really I was laughing at Poppy.
Obviously the day got out to a very good start. The only thing that blighted the morning was that the internet server was the thing that was the problem. Meaning: we still didn't have internet. We made reservations at another Ibis Hotel, grabbed our things, and got on the road again. As we waited in the car for Poppy, Ahmee and I ended up having a conversation about which direction we were going to take (I ask her this to determine if I should work on schoolwork or set everything to the side to keep from getting ill).

At first Ahmee was talking about a whole lot of tunnels and highway and big cities. I quickly voiced my opinion that we should avoid as many large tunnels as possible, that the idea was to see the Alps, not to see concrete. Ahmee quickly found an alternative route that was more scenic and we were on our way. At first we were on the main road and we went through a whole lot of tunnels. Not that it mattered much, the clouds were blocking most of the Alps there anyway.
Shortly after we got off the main road though I fell in love again. The Alps are even more rugged than the Rockies and they seemed to be far taller. Giants compared to the Rockies is what my opinion was.
Most of the beginning was a haze of rain and clouds. We weren't completely able to see the tops of the Alps and at times we couldn't see the valleys that were below us. I did my best to photograph some of the gorgeous things I could. I did this because Ahmee and Poppy handed me the camera and said I should take the pictures because I have a good eye. I enjoy taking pictures, but I realize that I tend to take A LOT of them. I did my best to limit my picture taking in the beginning. Later I took whatever I wanted to.

We made our way up a mountain, down a mountain, around a mountain, through a mountain, through the forest, through the valley, through the town advertising Sherlock Holmes, and along the streams. Obviously, none of that was in order. I could never properly explain our route, ever. I was busy admiring the scenery and trying to capture the alps in pictures. This is not an easy thing to do when much of them are covered in a fog. I shall attempt to describe the Alps. From the bottom you're able to see spring, fall, and winter all at once. The very tops of the Alps were covered in snow and evergreens that seemed to have been frosted over, the middle of the Alps were covered in trees that were multi colored and very bright, and the valley (which collected all the rain) was as green as the hill of Ireland. Most of the time I was trying to capture the way the frosty trees looked, or how the transition from one season to the next never happened, or how this jagged mountain face looked compared to the smoothness of that meadow. The list could go on and on of the wonders and beauties the Alps represented.
The first road we tried to go up on ended up being closed due to snow. While on this road we pulled over (this we'd done several times before to take a picture, I'd gotten out of the car to freeze my butt off for a picture-Ahmee and Poppy put in charge of the picture-taking the person who freezes the easiest, and I didn't mind in the slightest) to go fulfill a fantasy of Ahmee's.

While we were in the Alps, Ahmee wanted a picture of us acting out the Billy Goats Gruff. She wanted to find a bridge, have someone be photographed as the troll, and then have everyone photographed crossing the bridge. The bridge we chose to do this on wasn't too far from the main road. We walked down (me stopping to take a pic or two) and then we did our parts.

Ahmee was a very good troll. She wanted to go down under the bridge but didn't when Poppy and I both protested (the water was gushing down there). Instead, she stuck her head between two bars on the bridge and made a very ugly face that made me laugh. I was surprised that the picture came out so well, I had thought that my hand had been shaking since I was laughing so much. We then each got to walk on the bridge. We probably would've scampered like the goats, if I hadn't discovered that the bridge was incredibly slick and slippery. Both feet remained firmly planted on the bridge that time.
We walked back up to the car and kept going. All of us had been happy to get back into the heated car when we first jumped in. We were even more grateful for this warmth later as we headed farther and farther up the mountain. As we increased in altitude, the temperature decreased. We slowly started heading into a snow storm. After about 5 minutes of driving/sliding we arrived at an area where many cars were parked. We discovered there that we couldn't go any further and that we needed to find a different way to the Ibis hotel.

We turned around, ate lunch at a nearby hotel, and then continued down the mountain to head back up into another mountain. This I loved because the peak we were ascending was being spotlighted with sunlight. The clouds had parted over a very large section of the road and the sun was streaming through very clear air. It was perfect for me to take pictures in. I got Swiss sheep, I got tons of gorgeous pictures (of the many phases of the mountains), and I got pictures of other various life (pigs and cows-pigs I'll tell more about later).

The pigs I found at the end of THIS road. We discovered faaaar up the mountain that the road had been blocked off due to more snow. It was there, in the bowl of white, that I saw three pink pigs walking in the snow. I saw these while walking around with Ahmee (looking for a restaurant or hotel) and I was surprised and delighted to find these buggers trudging around on the opposite hillside. I was also disgusted with myself for not having brought the camera with me. I quickly rushed through the snow and the ice to get to the car and grab the camera. Halfway across the parking lot Ahmee called to me and told me that Poppy had the keys. I turned around and ran to Poppy. I know it might sound scary running in a parking lot with snow and ice, but I did watch where I was going. The snow was soft and the ice formed only in the places where people had smashed it down. I watched where I stepped and I managed to make my way over to Poppy very quickly to ask for the keys. At first he didn't hear or understand me, then I got closer and asked for the keys. He told me the car was unlocked. As I turned and started jumping/running my way over to the car I heard Poppy tell the man in the car garage (he'd been talking to him) that I was his granddaughter, later Poppy told me that his reply was, "Cute." I grabbed the camera and joyously jumped/ran back over to Ahmee where I got two pictures of the pigs that had given me so much excitement. When we got back into the car to go down the hill I realized as I looked out the window at the clouds that were quickly descending with us that those pigs had also given me slightly wet shoes. They were quickly dried though and so it was no problem.

Once we'd gotten down the hill we headed towards the Sherlock Holmes town (I think it's famous for being the town that the character Sherlock Holmes "died" in by falling over a waterfall-which we saw from the road). While walking around this town (after we checked into a hotel-without wireless of course) I told Ahmee and Poppy about Sherlock Holmes as we window shopped and adored the local Evangelist church. After walking around town we went back to the hotel to eat, headed up to our room, worked on the computer (while Ahmee and Poppy snoozed in the background-I have to get this done because the grading period ends Monday), and then settled in to bed.
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